Timothy Pettet
"The first pointer I received from another poet, one much older than me at the time, compared writing poetry to carving wood. You have to whittle away until only the necessary words remain.
Well, I have been whittling away for 50 years now. The floor at my feet is littered with unnecessary words, and my poems, well, I find them necessary for deepening the joys of being alive in the language. Happy Reading!"
Accidental Dancer
A captivating collection of 34 poems.
In Accidental Dancer, by poet Timothy Pettet, "sound and language collide in a whirlwind of memories. A bird, a flower, or a game of baseball sparks beautiful insight. Pettet's poetry captures, in sensuous brevity, the memories and yearnings of a life devoted to words."
-- Dr. Daniel Eichenbaum, composer
In his debut poetry book, Pettet "weaves his shamanic web of image and sound, calling forth verse like music...to read him is a delight."
-- Kevin Rabas, 2018 Kansas Poet Laureate