Traci Osborn
Author, Artist
Traci Osborn graduated from Brigham Young University where she slipped on the ice more times than she'd like to remember. While there, she met Will, the love of her life. Traveling the country in search of adventure, they have lived in six different states with their now grown four children.
Traci took a drawing class while living in Nebraska and was hooked. She graduated from Bellevue University with a BFA in studio painting. Not only a talented children's book author and illustrator, Osborn is the force behind Prairie Dog Press. She brings powerful creativity and talent to the children's book imprint of Flint Hills Publishing.
10 Not So Snoozing Monsters
What happens when ten perfect monsters count their way to bed?
Their Not-so-Snoozy adventure begins!
Will these Not-so-Perfect monsters make it back to bed? Who knows?
Will two to five year-olds have a MONSTROUSLY good time reading this nighttime adventure? You can COUNT on it!